Back in the early 2000’s I was a Customer Adviser at B&Q helping out with in-store inductions. A Trainer’s role became available for a ‘proper’ Trainer’s roles and I applied. I’m sure I had less formal training experience and I certainly no qualification in training then others applicants, but they asked me to join the team!
Many people had an input into this shift in my career, but two in particular I want to say a formal thank you to. Toby Carpenter who was heading up the training team at the time and saw some sort of potential in me and decided to give me the chance to learn on the job... THANK YOU. And Andy Granston, my Line Manager and mentor who I often site, when I run my own Management training session, as a great role models in management... THANK YOU. Who would you like to thank for helping you out in your career? Ps The image is of a paperweight handed out to us ‘Trainers’ for a project we ran as a thank you… yes I still have it after all this time! (Proving that a Thank-you can stay with you for a long time!) #CuriousLighthouse #career #ThankYou My lock-down project has been to research my family history. (I first started this many years ago when everything was on microfiche and index cards!) Now with the luxury of the internet I've managed to find some fascinating family members including...
My Husband's 13 x great-uncle who was part of the gang who stopped Guy Fawkes! (Apparently pushing the 'torch' out of his hand to stop it lighting the fuse!) On my own side, I’ve traced my direct line back to Vikings! Yep, seriously. Me and 'Bernard the Dane' are blood relatives. (Would have preferred a slightly more Viking-ish name like Eric Bloodaxe etc... But Berny was in fact a Prince of Denmark, so I won't complain too much!) Whether you know any of your family history or non at all, I believe that these people have some influence in our lives, but I am also very aware of all the non-blood relatives, friends and acquaintances that have had an impact too! So, what is the legacy I'm leaving behind? As someone who helps people grow and develop, I wonder how my present-day interactions might impact current and future generations? My hope is that I help others tap into their sense of curiosity and creativity and like my Viking ancestors I'm known for exploring new terrains and unafraid to try out uncharted waters. Who do you think you are? #CuriousLighthouse #CreativeLearning This is possibly my first recorded Training session. I wasn’t an official Trainer at the time, I was an Interior Designer for B&Q in Hedge End, Hampshire!
But instead of venturing to people’s homes to help them design a room or two, I decided it would be way more fun (and productive) to get customers to come into store and learn everything they needed to know to design their own homes. I took this photo in our cafe. It was week 1 of a 6-week customer paint effects workshop… well it was the 90’s! These workshops lead me to find out more about training and my official career in Learning & Development began! #CuriousLighthouse #CreativeLearning #B&Q Do you ever do something really well in one context and then rubbish in another?
WORK: I'm often asked to host training for Managers around the topic of SETTING EXPECTATIONS. (It's something I do very naturally in work mode.) My best bit of advise... 'Get people to clarify back what they think you have asked them to do!' This way they have to think through the process and vocalise it, and you can then listen out for things that need to be further discussed. HOME: I asked my 8 yr old Son to make is own sandwich for lunch. I didn't set any expectations, I didn't ask him to clarify back what he was going to make, the result... a marshmallow and jellybean sandwich! #CuriousLighthouse #CreativeLearning The 'knowledge tree' sounded like a great idea in my head. A great visual prop with brightly coloured gift tags for the delegates to right down their learning after each of the 6 sections we were running through during a workshop.
I had planned to use the leaf tags as part of a reflective exercise at the end of the session, but made a call to knock-it-on-the-head and changed the final exercise to a facilitated discussion, as it became clear that things were going to get overcrowded very quickly and getting up to place the tags was becoming rather monotonous. Did I fail? Yes, and no! As a Trainer, it's comfortable to find an activity that works well and repeat it with different audience’s time and again, making tiny adjustments as needs be. But 'repeat and succeed' can only support your own, and your learner’s development for so long. Facilitating creative learning pushes you to think more about your design process. But with more creativity comes more opportunity to fail. So, why bother? Put simply, if a Trainer isn’t willing to try out new ways of engaging their learners, they’ll soon have no learners left to try anything with at all! In a world of instant gratification, our attention levels need more stimulation to learn. Building in creative activities into training sessions is just one way to help this. Failure is an option, but… No one plans to fail, but with failure comes insight, (and also a healthy dose of resilience!) So, the trick is to fail with a back-up plan that won't affect your learners experience or leave you in a flap! I will use the tree again, but next time it will be more succinct, allowing my learner’s ‘leaves of knowledge’ to flourish and for my own creative design to continue. “On the 12th day of Christmas a Manager said to me… WHAT IF THEY DON’T NEED ME?“
THE CHALLENGE Some managers worry that if their team get TOO good, they simply won't need them anymore... this is actually GREAT NEWS! THE SOLUTION This means that you can:
🎄 Sing-along to all 12 Manager solution at 🎄 #CuriousLighthouse #ManagementDevelopment #12DayOfManagerSkills “On the 11th day of Christmas a Manager said to me…
CAN’T I JUST BRIBE THEM?“ 🌟(Sing along to the 12 days of Christmas song!)🌟 … (10) Why set expectations? (9) How do I manage upwards? (8) Why aren’t they listening? (7) I don’t have time to do this! (6) Another 4-box model? (5) DO I REALLY HAVE TO DO THESE 1:1’s? (4) What can I delegate? (3) How do I give feedback? (2) Who are my team? (1) I don’t know what’s expected of me! THE CHALLENGE This was a genuine question I had from one exasperated manager once. “NO you can’t!” THE SOLUTION What you can do however is: ⛄️ Create a system of rewards and incentives. ⛄️ Have a good balance for individuals and/or team reward and recognition opportunities ⛄️ Consider that not everyone will want public recognition, a simple 1:1 acknowledgement will work too ⛄️ BUT REMEMBER to always include the employees when first setting up anything like this to ensure the reward is actually wanted! – (I once won 12 cuddly turtles during an incentive programme in a contact centre! 12 of them! ) 🎄Missed a day? Catch the all at: 🎄 #CuriousLighthouse #ManagementDevelopment #12DayOfManagerSkills “On the 10th day of Christmas a Manager said to me…
WHY SET EXPECTATIONS?” 🌟(Sing along to the 12 days of Christmas song!)🌟 --- (9) How do I manage upwards? (8) Why aren’t they listening? (7) I don’t have time to do this! (6) Another 4-box model? (5) DO I REALLY HAVE TO DO THESE 1:1’s? (4) What can I delegate? (3) How do I give feedback? (2) Who are my team? (1) I don’t know what’s expected of me! THE CHALLENGE People should automatically know what they need to do right? Wrong. People will do what they think they need to do, and what they enjoy doing in the absence of any another information! THE SOLUTION Use a simple model to set out your expectations: ⛄️ A) Announce (what is it you want to have happen?) ⛄️ B) Because (State the WHY's – why them, why now etc) ⛄️ C) Clarify (Ask THEM to clarify back to you what they understand is required) 🎄Keep a look out for he last few days of Christmas to help develop Manager skills!🎄 #CuriousLighthouse #ManagementDevelopment #12DayOfManagerSkills “On the 9th day of Christmas a Manager said to me…
HOW DO I MANAGE UPWARDS?“ 🌟(Sing along to the 12 days of Christmas song!)🌟 … (8) Why aren’t they listening? (7) I don’t have time to do this! (6) Another 4-box model? (5) DO I REALLY HAVE TO DO THESE 1:1’s? (4) What can I delegate? (3) How do I give feedback? (2) Who are my team? (1) I don’t know what’s expected of me! THE CHALLENGE The term 'manage upwards' is often seen as either manipulative or even cheeky. But the truth is, sometimes we need our own managers to do things, so we can succeed at doing our things! THE SOLUTION ⛄️ Be a grown up about it. ⛄️ If you need something from them, ask them! ⛄️ Consider the conversation before hand, what will they want to know, what objections might they have, will it cost anything, what impact will it have on your workload etc. ⛄️ Choose your timings carefully and be prepared to be answer more questions 🎄Keep a look out for further days of Christmas to help develop Manager skills!🎄 #CuriousLighthouse #ManagementDevelopment #12DayOfManagerSkills “On the 8th day of Christmas a Manager said to me…
WHY AREN’T THEY LISTENING?“ 🌟(Sing along to the 12 days of Christmas song!)🌟 … (7) I don’t have time to do this!” (6) Another 4-box model? (5) DO I REALLY HAVE TO DO THESE 1:1’s? (4) What can I delegate? (3) How do I give feedback? (2) Who are my team? (1) I don’t know what’s expected of me! THE CHALLENGE Managers often feel their suggestions and comments aren't being taken seriously, either by their team members or by more senior managers. This is usually because they are simply not using the right language THE SOLUTION ⛄️ Consider things from the viewpoint of the person you are communicating with. ⛄️ Team Members respond better when they know WHY they are being asked to do something. ⛄️ Senior Managers respond better when they understand the impact to the bigger picture. ⛄️ Tailor your message to different people for a better result. 🎄Keep a look out for further days of Christmas to help develop Manager skills!🎄 #CuriousLighthouse #ManagementDevelopment #12DayOfManagerSkills “On the 7th day of Christmas a Manager said to me…
I DON’T HAVE TIME TO DO THIS!” 🌟(Sing along to the 12 days of Christmas song!)🌟 … (6) Another 4-box model? (5) DO I REALLY HAVE TO DO THESE 1:1’s? (4) What can I delegate? (3) How do I give feedback? (2) Who are my team? (1) I don’t know what’s expected of me! THE CHALLENGE The problem ISN’T TIME management, it’s TASK management! When people say, ‘I don’t have time to do this!’ it’s either because they don’t want to do it, or because they haven't found the right solution to their task management problem yet. THE SOLUTION If something feels like a chore and you don’t want to do it, you should really look at why. Is it that you simply don’t know how, or that it goes against something you believe in? If it’s a case of simply getting organised, check out these options: ⛄️ Agile thinking - sprint runs ⛄️ Kanban - simple column approach ⛄️ …and good old Excel - options to spreadsheet your task till your hearts content. The trouble is all this takes time too, so make sure you pick the one that works for you best and master it! #CuriousLighthouse #ManagementDevelopment #12DayOfManagerSkills “On the 6th day of Christmas a Manager said to me…
ANOTHER 4-BOX MODEL? 🌟(Sing along to the 12 days of Christmas song!)🌟 … (5) DO I REALLY HAVE TO DO THESE 1:1’s? (4) What can I delegate?” (3) How do I give feedback?” (2) Who are my team? (1) I don’t know what’s expected of me!” THE CHALLENGE 4-box models are neat and tidy and help convey possible solution to managers questions. The issue is there are a lot of them, and it might seem like you have to remember them all to be a great manager! THE SOLUTION ⛄️ Remember that most training models or theories are there to add consideration to your personal journey NOT to constrain you. ⛄️ The more you know; the more choice you have in how you deal with something. ⛄️ Pick the one’s that work for you and ensure you personalise it for each situation and individual. 🎄Keep a look out for further days of Christmas to help develop Manager skills!🎄 #CuriousLighthouse #ManagementDevelopment #12DayOfManagerSkills “On the 5th day of Christmas a Manager said to me…
DO I REALLY HAVE TO DO THESE 1:1’s? 🌟(Sing along to the 12 days of Christmas song!)🌟 … (4) What can I delegate?” (3) How do I give feedback?” (2) Who are my team? (1) I don’t know what’s expected of me!” THE CHALLENGE 1:1’s can take time. Time to schedule, time to prep for, time to run, time to write up etc. And we all know that one of the biggest enemies of Managers is lack of time, right? THE SOLUTION ⛄️ One of the key points of 1:1s are to allow team members individual time with their manager to discuss what’s going on for them. If they feel rushed or like they’re an inconvenience, they simply won’t open up ⛄️ Find a frequency that works well for you both (Newer team member may benefit from more frequent, structured meetings, while more established members may prefer a more relaxed approach.) ⛄️ Doing your regular 1:1s will help with any annual review later down the line REMEMBER ... DO THEM, but do them in a way that works for the you, them and the company! 🎄Keep a look out for further days of Christmas to help develop Manager skills!🎄 #CuriousLighthouse #ManagementDevelopment #12DayOfManagerSkills “On the 4th day of Christmas a Manager said to me…
WHAT CAN I DELEGATE?” 🌟(Sing along to the 12 days of Christmas song!)🌟 … (3) How do I give feedback?” (2) Who are my team? (1) I don’t know what’s expected of me!” THE CHALLENGE Technically, you can delegate anything… the real question is WHY should you delegate it? THE SOLUTION ⛄️ You can delegate to reduce your own workload …but you can also delegate to increase development opportunities. ⛄️ If you are looking to reduce your own workload ensure it’s not just the sludge you’re passing off, or people will see you as having sloppy shoulders ⛄️ If you are delegating to help develop someone, ensure you’re staggering the skill level, and supporting them in the process so it’s not too much too soon 🎄Keep a look out for further days of Christmas to help develop Manager skills!🎄 #CuriousLighthouse #ManagementDevelopment #12DayOfManagerSkills “On the 3rd day of Christmas a Manager said to me…
HOW DO I GIVE FEEDBACK?” 🌟(Sing along to the 12 days of Christmas song!)🌟 … (2nd ) Who are my team? (1st ) and… I don’t know what’s expected of me!” THE CHALLENGE The biggest challenge here is the perception of what feedback is and is not! (and avoiding the feedback sandwich like the plague!) THE SOLUTION The best advice I can offer in this short space is to consider your purpose and context! ⛄️ Set the context before you start to enable the other person to understand what it relates to ⛄️ Be specific (using vague language like ‘that was great’ or ‘You shouldn’t done that’ are not going to help anyone ⛄️ Be very clear on why you want to change or continue 🎄Keep a look out for further days of Christmas to help develop Manager skills! 🎄 #CuriousLighthouse #ManagementDevelopment #12DayOfManagerSkills “On the 2nd day of Christmas a Manager said to me…
WHO ARE MY TEAM?” --- (And… I don’t know what’s expected of me!”) 🎄 (Sing along to the 12 days of Christmas song!)🎄 THE CHALLENGE Undefined reporting line can cause havoc with communication and generally getting things done THE SOLUTION 1. Hold meeting with all managers to define split between Technical Management accountability (projects, products etc) and Personal Management accountability (1:1’s, holiday requests, development etc) 2. Draw up a org chart that represents this 3.Hold meeting with team members to highlight this and how it might work going forwards 4.Review regularly 🎄Keep a look out for further days of Christmas to help develop Manager skills! 🎄 #CuriousLighthouse #ManagementDevelopment #12DayOfManagerSkills “On the 1st day of Christmas a Manager said to me…
I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S EXPECTED OF ME!” 🎄🌟(Sing along to the 12 days of Christmas song!) 🌟🎄 THE CHALLENGE: For smaller fast growing companies, this is usually because they simply haven’t had to think about it before. For larger companies it could be down to lack of development planning around the transition from role to role. THE SOLUTION: If you're the Manager that needs clarity, take the lead on this. Approach the/your boss and ask for a conversation to help define your role and what is expected from you. If you're the boss, take time to consider the key things you want from your line managers and ways you can support them to learn and grow in the role. (Keep it simple, focus on the top 3 things to start with and set milestone review dates to follow up.) 🎄Keep a look out for further days of Christmas to help develop Manager skills! 🎄 #CuriousLighthouse #ManagementDevelopment #12DayOfManagerSkills As the plethora of perfectly carved pumpkins start to appear on social media, I find myself saying ‘I’m happy for these people, they have creativity, patience and time to spare’..,
But I also find my inner voice saying... ' I bet what they didn't have was a bouncy overexcited 7-year-old wielding a Sharpie and dinner knife in front of them, declaring that the pumpkin only needs half its head, otherwise we wouldn't be able to see the brains falling out! So we set everything up, get ready to carve, the excitement at fever-pitch and then… he’s loses interest and we end up with slightly quirky, rather than a scary looking pumpkin! I had several options: 1. TRY and coerce my Son into creating a more elegant pumpkin masterpiece 2. LIE and create my own ‘slightly better’ pumpkin and take a photo of him next to it 3. BUY a ready-made carved pumpkin and be vague about its creation Or… 4. Let him loose (safely!) with his creativity and equipment and see what we end up with! Being a manager sometimes means we look at others and judge ourselves against their; results, team, awards etc. But when you’re too busy looking at what others are doing you can miss out on the talents of your own team. So, whether your switching off the lights and pretending you're not at home, or out and about with the Zombies, Witches and Batman, (there's always one dressed as Batman!) have a ‘perfectly’ personal Halloween. ![]() Last week I opened a Management Development workshop by recounting the events surrounded the saving of the Titanic survivors. (Granted, it wasn’t the cheeriest of openings, but it was certainly powerful!) The sequence of events that the Captains of the SS Californian and the RMS Carpathia took that night are often overlooked when the Titanic is mentioned. Yet that moment in time followed them for the rest of their lives. The SS Californian The inquiry records reveal contradictory evidence from the crew of the SS Californian. Discrepancies in how Last week I opened a communications workshop for managers by talking about Honeybees! Yes, you did read that right… Honeybees!
Honeybee’s have communication nailed. They locate flowers for nectar and let everyone in the hive know exactly where to find them. How? They do a waggle dance! As the kids head back to school, I’m reminded of my own early days in education. A time when, we covered our exercise books to make them last longer (Yes, that is wallpaper from our 1970’s living room!) and I took my ‘words’ to and from school in an empty (but still rather smelly) Golden Virginia tobacco tin!
Times have changed, and whilst I might look back nostalgically, I wouldn’t expect my own Son to do the same now-a-days. So why would any business expect new managers to follow practices that are probably as old as my exercise book! ... When I landed my first official job as a Trainer for a large DIY store many moons ago, I was delighted! I learnt on the job, running rousing inductions and traveling the length and breadth of the UK to meet eager (my words not theirs) learners to induct them.
After some time, I realised that if I was going to progress to other forms of training i.e. Management Development, I was going to need to develop my own skills further. Back then the key attributes of a great Trainer were As a young teenager, my mum would send me on my bike to buy tomatoes from a lady who sold fruit and veg she grew in her garden.
The produce would usually be set out on a stand to the side of the house with an honesty pot to put the money in. But sometimes the stand wasn’t there, and you had to Several years ago, my mum ventured into her first ever Starbucks store. Nothing particularly interesting about that, however, they were just starting their 'can I take your name for the cup' shenanigans, and my mum answered, 'Ruth'.
Again, not much interesting about this either, until you understand that, a) her name is not Ruth! and b) when I asked her why she had given a different name she replied... “If you’re telling me I’ve done something wrong, then at least give me enough information to do it right next time!”
Many Managers struggle with giving real-time feedback. The concept of praising and correcting a team member in the moment can feel uncomfortable. More so for ‘Accidental Managers.’ Those who have been promoted to manage a team because they were good at their previous role… which probably involved very little people management at all! In this article we’ll look at what feedback is and is not, and we’ll also introduce a simple four-part model that you can use for positive and constructive feedback. Let’s dive in… |
Nikie ForsterLearning doesn't just happen in a training session. It happens all around us! Follow my ramblings and continue to see the world in a different light! Archives
November 2024
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