Digital Downloads
LEGO® Serious Play® and Training Activities
As a trainer, facilitator, coach, or educator, you’ll know the value in having different activities for different leaners to help engage them and focus on the key takeaways. These digital downloads gives you a range of different activities, all using construction bricks to use as discussion starters or embedding learning. Every activity has a section on design considerations, timings, workshop preparation, step-by-step walk through, and suggestions for debrief.
The Digital Download Guides:
A step-by-step guide to using the
LEGO® Serious Play® methodology
A step-by-step guide to using the LEGO® Serious Play® (LSP) methodology (A 56-page Digital Download)
Using construction bricks in a learning environment is a great way of engaging your learners, and there is a whole set of processes and methodologies around how best to do this called LSP.
There’s a lot of in-depth information out there about LSP, but as an experienced development professional what you’re probably after is the short-cut to how to make it work for you and your learners!
Using construction bricks in a learning environment is a great way of engaging your learners, and there is a whole set of processes and methodologies around how best to do this called LSP.
There’s a lot of in-depth information out there about LSP, but as an experienced development professional what you’re probably after is the short-cut to how to make it work for you and your learners!
This digital download, ‘A step-by-step guide to using the LEGO® Serious Play® methodology’ is a 56-page eGuide covering everything you’ll need to understand to implement a LEGO® Serious Play® event.
(You do not have to be certified to host an LSP event, but you should be an experience facilitator who can adapt this information for your own learners needs.) |
Training activities that support
LEGO® Serious Play® methodology
Training activities that support LSP methodology (An 80-page Digital Download)
As a trainer, facilitator, coach, or educator, you’ll know the value in having engaging activities for different learners to help engage them and focus on the key takeaways.
This digital download, ‘Training activities that support LSP methodology’ is an 80-page eGuide with a range of different activities all using construction bricks to use as discussion starters or embedding learning.
As a trainer, facilitator, coach, or educator, you’ll know the value in having engaging activities for different learners to help engage them and focus on the key takeaways.
This digital download, ‘Training activities that support LSP methodology’ is an 80-page eGuide with a range of different activities all using construction bricks to use as discussion starters or embedding learning.
There are 26 purposeful activities all with design considerations, timings, workshop preparation, step-by-step walk through, and suggestions for debrief, so you can run, or adapt to suit your own learners and the needs of your session.
(These activities can be used alongside LSP and as separate activities to engage learners in creative and fun ways to help them learn.) |
This guide was originally called 'LEGO Activities for Training.' It contains the same activities but has been revamped.
But why LEGO®?
Well, put LEGO® bricks in front of people and they will automatically start playing with it, regardless of having access to it as a child, they are drawn into 'playful' exploration. So, imagine combining this with a purposeful activity and skilful facilitation, you get a great mix of learning and fun which helps learners dig deeper into discussions and ultimately links to more engagement and better outcomes.